This lesson demonstrates how we configure Quality of Service (QoS) on Cisco devices using the modular QoS CLI (MQC) framework. Along the way, we explain the class-map, policy-map, and service-policy commands in detail and demonstrate how we use them to enable classification and marking on a device.
The Modular QoS CLI (MQC)
QoS is not a single tool or feature. It is a set of tools and capabilities that work together to achieve differentiated treatment of business-important traffic. In the '90s and early 2000s, each QoS tool had different configuration commands and workflows. Additionally, even the same QoS feature had different configuration commands on different platforms.
Over time, the number of QoS commands grew to the point that managing QoS configurations became increasingly complex and unpractical. To address this issue, Cisco developed the Modular QoS CLI (MQC) framework, standardizing the QoS configuration commands on routers and switches.
MQC organizes the configuration process into the following three steps:
- Step 1. Classifying packets using the class-map command. It specifies the parameters for matching packets into traffic classes.
- Step 2. Configuring QoS policy with actions (marking, shaping, policing, queuing) using the policy-map command. It specifies the action that the policy takes on each traffic class.
- Step 3. Attaching the QoS policy on an interface using the service-policy command.
Now, let's zoom into each step and examine it in more detail.
The class-map command
The class-map command matches traffic into a traffic class. A class-map has three elements: a human-defined name, a series of one or more match statements, and a parameter (match-all or match-any) that tells the class-map how to evaluate the match statements. The following diagram shows examples of traffic classes.
Match Statements
Match commands define the criteria for packet classification. Packets are evaluated to see if they meet the specified criteria. If a packet matches, it is considered a member of the traffic class. Packets that do not match any criteria are assigned to the default traffic class (class-default).
class-map TRAFFIC-CLASS-1
match statement 1
match statement 2
match statement 3
match statement n
A traffic class can have multiple match statements, as shown above. Hence, the device must know what logic you have in mind when configuring the traffic class with multiple match criteria. That is where the next parameter comes into play.
Match-all vs Match-any
When configuring a new class map, we can specify either match-any or match-all to define how the matching criteria are evaluated.
Switch(config)# class-map ?
WORD class-map name
match-all Logical-AND all matching statements under this classmap
match-any Logical-OR all matching statements under this classmap
The difference between match-any and match-all lies in how conditions are evaluated.
- With match-all, a packet matches the class only if it satisfies all the conditions. This means it uses "AND" logic.
- With match-any, a packet matches the class if it satisfies at least one of the conditions. This means it uses "OR" logic.
For example, a packet must match all three statements to match the class map named VOIP-TRAFFIC shown below. It must come via interface Gi0/0/1 in Vlan 50 and match access-list RTP to match the class. A packet that matches only one or two statements won't match the class.
On the other hand, a packet must match any one of the statements to match the class map named WEB-TRAFFIC. The packet can be HTTP, HTTPS, or QUIC.
The following output shows how we configure class maps via the CLI.
! Notice that IP CEF is required for class-based QoS.
! It is configured by default on all modern platforms.
! However, if not, the device would reject the service-policy command.
ip cef
! First class map matches RTP traffic based on an ACL.
! Notice that it is match-all (by default).
class-map VOIP-TRAFFIC
match access-group name RTP
! Second class map matches WEB-TRAFFIC based on two ACLs.
! Notice that it is match-any.
class-map match-any WEB-TRAFFIC
match access-group name HTTP
match access-group name HTTPS
! The class maps call one or more access-lists for matching.
ip access-list extended HTTP
10 permit tcp any any eq 80
ip access-list extended HTTPS
10 permit tcp any any eq 443
ip access-list extended RTP
10 permit udp any any range 16384 32767
Remember that if you don’t specify either match-any or match-all when creating a class map, it will default to match-all, requiring all conditions to be satisfied for a packet to match.
The policy-map command
The policy-map command associates class maps with specific actions, like marking, policing, shaping, queuing, or dropping traffic, as shown in the diagram below.
For example, we match ICMP traffic with a class-map. Then, inside the polic-map command, we refer to the ICMP class map and configure an action.
The following output shows how we configure a policy-map using the CLI. Notice that it refers to the traffic classes we created in the previous step.
! The policy map associates actions each of the two class maps.
! The actions are set, meaning this policy marks traffic.
policy-map QOS_POLICY
set dscp EF
set dscp AF31
The policy map on its own does not do anything unless it is attached to an interface.
The service-policy command
The service-policy command is used to attach a policy map to an interface or control plane. It enforces the traffic policies defined in the policy map. You can apply it to inbound or outbound traffic on an interface. It activates features like marking, queuing, shaping, or policing, as the policy map specifies.
Switch# conf t
Enter configuration commands, one per line. End with CNTL/Z.
Switch(config)# interface GigabitEthernet0/0/1
Switch(config-if)# service-policy ?
input Assign policy-map to the input of an interface
output Assign policy-map to the output of an interface
Switch(config-if)# service-policy input QOS_POLICY
Switch(config-if)# end
Once a traffic policy is attached to an interface, we can monitor the traffic that goes into each traffic class using the show policy-map interface [interface_name] command, as shown in the output below.
Switch# show policy-map interface Gi0/0/1
Service-policy input: QOS_POLICY
Class-map: VOIP-TRAFFIC (match-all)
2132 packets, 3213213 bytes
5 minute offered rate 3212 bps, drop rate 0000 bps
Match: access-group name RTP
QoS Set
dscp ef
Packets marked 2132
Class-map: WEB-TRAFFIC (match-any)
967232 packets, 8276532123 bytes
5 minute offered rate 3232131 bps, drop rate 0000 bps
Match: access-group name HTTP
65464 packets, 7675633 bytes
5 minute rate 543543 bps
Match: access-group name HTTPS
54353 packets, 5453453 bytes
5 minute rate 87612 bps
QoS Set
dscp af31
Packets marked 967232
Class-map: class-default (match-any)
7874321 packets, 643824328 bytes
5 minute offered rate 4343242 bps, drop rate 432423 bps
Match: any
Key Takeaways
Cisco's MQC simplifies QoS configuration with a standardized three-step process:
- Class-map: Defines criteria for traffic classification.
- Policy-map: Specifies actions (e.g., marking, shaping) for classified traffic.
- Service-policy: Applies the policy to an interface.
Each step of the MQC configuration process has the following specifics that you must remember:
- The class-map command:
- It can have multiple match statements.
- Use match-all (AND logic) for packets to meet all match statements.
- Use match-any (OR logic) for packets to meet at least one match statement.
- Class-maps default to match-all if not specified.
- The policy-map command:
- Policy-maps apply specific actions to traffic classes defined by class-maps, such as marking packets with DSCP values.
- The service-policy command:
- Policies are activated on an interface using the service-policy command and are applied to inbound or outbound traffic.
- If CEF isn't enabled on the device, the service-policy command will be rejected.