CCNA lessons
- 1 - Test #4.1 - FHRP Fundamentals
- 2 - Gateway Load Balancing Protocol (GLBP)
- 3 - Virtual Router Redundancy Protocol (VRRP)
- 4 - Lab #4.1 - Configuring HSRP
- 5 - Hot Standby Router Protocol (HSRP)
- 6 - Why do we need a First Hop Redundancy Protocol?
- 7 - Congestion Avoidance
- 8 - Queuing and Scheduling
- 9 - Policing and Shaping
- 10 - Lab #3.1 - Marking traffic at the access
- 11 - The Modular QoS CLI (MQC)
- 12 - Classification and Marking
- 13 - Why do we need QoS?
- 14 - Lab #2.2 - Overlapping IP ranges
- 15 - Lab #2.1 - Internet access
- 16 - Test #2.1 - NAT Fundamentals
- 17 - NAT Overload (PAT)
- 18 - Dynamic NAT
- 19 - Static NAT
- 20 - Why do we need NAT?
- 21 - Cisco Discovery Protocol (CDP)
- 22 - Network Time Protocol (NTP)
- 23 - System Logging (Syslog)
- 24 - Local console access
- 25 - Course Summary | Cheat Sheets
- 26 - Suggestions | Feedback
- 27 - Final OSPF Configuration Lab
- 28 - External Route Types E1 and E2
- 29 - OSPF MD5 Authentication
- 30 - OSPF Plain Text Authentication